Monday, April 21, 2014

I can do my own make up......

When speaking to brides I hear this all the time.  "I can do my own makeup, I don't need to hire a make up artist".  I can almost guarantee that when you see a wedding photo that you find AMAZING, she hired a make up artist.  It is just like having someone work on your car's paint job.  Sure you could figure it out and fix it, but would it look amazing?  If you took a photo, would you be able to tell the difference?  


The camera flash and sun are going to wash out the make up you normally wear.  The professional that you hire will know how to adjust for lighting and give you make up that works well with the camera.  Photography is one of your biggest expenses.  Just consider this your photographer's partner.  You won't regret it!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Pinterest. Friend or Foe?

Pinterest.  Friend or Foe?

Before sessions I am often approached with ideas from Pinterest.  Before sessions *I* often consult Pinterest.  But the question remains.  Can you do "this" photo for me?  The answer is a little complicated.

No.  I can't.

I can take a look at it.  Let it swirl around in my head for a bit, and see what my camera and brain can capture.  It may not be EXACTLY the same, because it is someone else's image.

I may even have to take another look at it because of all the other clutter that is up in my brain, Wiggles episodes, homework due dates, who needs diapers, or a costume, or food.

We may not have the same smiley kids, light, setting, props.

But we can get a perfect image of your children or family, in our lighting at our location, with their personalities captured at that very moment, and saved forever.

And you can put it on Pinterest.  And some Mom somewhere in another state, in another time, will say to her photographer, "Can you do 'this' photo for me?"


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The new website is up!

I am very excited to have a new "look"!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

This is a face that everyone who knows me, and even those who don't, will be seeing quite alot of.  This is Evan.  He takes up a pretty big piece of my heart.  He has quite the story for being less than 8 months old.  As many of my clients know, I am a photographer from Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep.  This is an organization that helps parents remember babies who never get to leave the hospital.  Never would I have thought that this organization would mean more to me than it already did.  You see, Evan was a twin.  His sweet baby brother, who I never got to meet, died not long after his birth.  My friend, unfortunately, was in need of NILMDTS.  Evan fought his way out of the hospital, and is now a healthy almost 8 month old.  My Mom and I went to visit at the hospital every chance we got.  Even my boys were attached to this little man that they had never met.  It was Ian who said, "Mommy, he's going to live.  That's just the way it works, if you lose one baby, the other one just has to live."  And that's just what Evan did.  Evan's Mama is a friend I have known since birth.  Her Mom and my Mom went to High School together.  Before the babies, we hadn't seen too much of each other.  Every so often we would visit, and complain that we need to do it more often.  Well I am happy to say that that has finally happened.  We are getting together on a regular basis.  I don't know that I even realized how much I missed this.  We saw alot of each other as kids, but as adults we "got busy".  So we credit Evan and Ryan for bringing us together.  I eagerly away my next visit.  Gotta have some of those Evan kisses!!

It's all new!!!
New Website, coming up!
And this is the updated blog.

Lots of new things coming soon!